South Coast League Track and Field
Order of Events
Field and Running Events - Start at 2:45 pm
Running Events
1. G F/S 1600
2. B-FS 1600
3. G-FS 400 Relay
4. G-V 400 Relay
5. B-FS 400 Relay
6. B-V 400 Relay
7. G-V 1600
8 B-V 1600
9. G-FS 100 H
10. G-V 100 H
11. B-FS 110 HH
12. B-V 110 HH
13. G-FS 400
14. G-V 400
15. B-FS 400
16. B-V 400
17. G-FS 100
18. G-V 100
19. B-FS 100
20. B-V 100
21. G-FS 800
22. G-V 800
23. B-FS 800
24. B-V 800
25. G-FS 300 IH
26. G-V 300 IH
27. B-FS 300 IH
28. B-V 300 IH
29. G-FS 200
30. G-V 200
31. B-FS 200
32. B-V 200
33. G-FS/V 3200
34. B-FS/V 3200
35. G-FS 1600 Relay
36. G-V 1600 Relay
37. B-FS 1600 Relay
38. B-V 1600 Relay
Field Events
1. Shot Put: (3/3 Var – top 6 advance / 4 total FS)
B-V / FS then G-V / FS
2. Discus: (3/3 Var – top 6 advance / 4 total FS)
G-V / FS then B-V / FS
3. High Jump:
B-V, G-V, B/FS, GF/S
4. Pole Vault
● 1 Pit - GV / FS together first. Followed by BV / FS vaulting together. Athletes will enter competition as their opening height is reached.
● 2 Pits - GV/ FS on one pit vaulting together, BV/ FS on 2nd pit vaulting together
5. Long Jump (4 Var / 3 F/S)
Boys / Girls all levels jump for 1.5 hrs. max
6. Triple Jump (4 Var / 3 F/S)
Boys / Girls all levels jump for 1.5 hrs max
Opening Heights
P.V - GF/S - 6'0", GV - 7'6", BF/S, 8', BV - 9'0"
HJ - GF/S - 4', GV - 4'4", BF/S, 4'6"', BV - 5'2"
1. Scoring for a Dual meet will be 5-3-1
2. NO adds to any jumping event once the event has started. HJ, LJ, TJ to start at 2:45 pm
3. For jumping events, teams can designate 5 varsity jumpers (5 boys, 5 girls), who will be given priority for completing their attempts.
4. Lane assignments
4x100 - Home Team - Lane 4, Visiting Team Lane 5
4x400 - Home Team - Lane 3, Visiting Team Lane 4
6. In dual meets, extra heats shall not exceed two extra heats per level creating a maximum of 3 total heats per level.
Updated – 03/1/2023