

Leadership Training

Open to all Boys and Girls Senior and Captains

Letterman Jacket Information

C&L/The Jacket Guy -- production time 3-4 weeks -- Brent (714)653-8435

EMCEE/Ryan Tolly 949-275-5243, they will provide you a $20 discount if you list THHS football when you order a jacket.

Jostens -- Rachel Berg 949-292-6855

Ask around to other folks and see whom they have used and their satisfaction with same.


What are the anticipated costs?

The suggested donation for track is $375

When are practices scheduled and for what time?

In Season practices are Monday - Friday 6th period to 4:30/5:00pm. We will practice most Saturdays at 10:00am

Do they have track meets during the week or weekends only?

The team will have track meets Weekdays and Weekends. Weekday meets everyone competes. On weekends only a select group of athletes will qualify to compete. Every student must stay until the end of every weekday dual meet. 

When attending a track meet not at Trabuco do they take a bus or do parents drive to other schools and which schools do they have meets at?

Weekday meets that are away. - we always have a bus. Weekend meets parents will need to drive their athletes after signing a "transportation exempt form."

Can my son/daughter do track & field without doing cross country in the fall?

Yes, your athlete does not need to do cross country in the fall and can do off season track after school or neither. However it would be hard to make the team in the spring unless they are training since the standards are difficult. 

Are there try-outs to make the team?

Yes. Athletes will need to make qualifying marks to make the team. Click HERE for qualifying marks. 

Click Image Below for Free Resource on how we Run and Maintain our program