Spirit Pack Information
/Track And Field is a sport that relies on parent donations to partially fund the Track and Field program. We are requesting a $250.00 donation to the Track and Field program for Spirit Pack.
Boys will receive a Nike uniform top, Nike uniform bottom, Nike sweatpants, Navy/Camo Sweatshirt, Navy Nike Team Elite Socks, a Team Car Decal, and a Custom T-Shirt.
Girls receive a uniform top and spandex, sweat top with embroidery, sweat pants, and long sleeve compression shirt. Every piece of apparel is Nike Brand.
If you choose to make a full donation, all items will be yours to keep. If you choose to not donate, your son-daughter will receive a uniform top and bottom that must be returned at the end of the season.
Thank You for your Spirit Pack donation, and we look forward to the season.
JT Ayers
Dennis Kelly